
Hello. My name is Danny and I make cartoons. My primary goal is to create delightfully stupid little entertainment for the world to enjoy. I really like 2D animation (Toonboom Harmony) because I find it the most straightforward way to burden the world with my ideas. I hope you find at least one thing that might make you exhale sharply through your nose.TLDR; I make cartoons and edit videos.


Animal Facts: The Shark - 5/24/24How many sharks can YOU eat?

Animal Facts: The Shark - 5/24/24How many sharks can YOU eat?

Animal Facts: The Giraffe - 3/15/24Are YOU a giraffe?

The StinkBink and Friends - 3/7/24The StinkBink goes on a fabulous friend-making adventure. Will he make some real genuine friends? Or will he find himself used and discarded?No, never again.He's a bink and he stinks! He's the StinkBink!

KidsKast: Episode 1 - 4/22/23The first episode of KidsKast! Two kids start a podcast by kids and for kids! See what happens when they accept callers from all around the world in their town!

Aminal - 4/22/22He's lost everything. Hell hath no fury like an Aminal scorned.

Visit the SanFrandiego Zoo - 4/11/22The SanFrandiego Zoo has everything from koalas to lions, and even choralpozongas! Not to mention the smartest (and hungriest) monkeys in town!

Spider-Man: Go Home - 2/1/22Spider-Man gets into trouble with new enemies! How exciting. Will he survive or die? Will he get the girl or die? Watch and die.

He Wields a GUN - 1/26/21Guns don't kill people.
Anime kills people.

Scorbunny's REAL EVOLUTION - 9/19/19You haven't seen Scorbunny's real evolution yet. This is the first alpha beta evolution. Glitched, 100% only. What could it be?

Nothin here yet